Photo by Christina Kirschnerova on Unsplash

Drink for adults

100 Words 100 Days
Published in
1 min readAug 13, 2020


It was a holiday breakfast, much better than in the kindergarten.

When we travelled on the night train, early in morning the attendant would pass with a little trolley. I’d get burning hot tea in a styrofoam cup.

It was filled to the brim. Grandma would take small sips really fast, but it would inevitably spill because of the jerky movements of the train. I couldn’t even touch the cup, it was so hot — a drink for adults.

We also got three pieces of crisp bread with small squares of butter and a small plastic portion of jam. Crumbs went everywhere, but no one was angry. Beginning of summer!



100 Words 100 Days

📈 Aspiring data scientist. Rationality fan. EA. Vegan. Working to improve global mental health at