How to clean copy-pasted kindle highlights in Google Sheets

2 min readJul 6, 2020


Your Kindle highlights are on You might want to have them elsewhere. In Roam, Evernote*, maybe even Airtable for some cool NLP magic later.

This is one way to transfer your highlights without any other lines—like location, or option— which will likely appear if you just copy-paste.

Outcome: Highlights without any other lines, in the same order they appear in the book.


Step 1. Mark everything on the highlights page page. Copy-paste to a new sheet in Google sheets.

An unnecessary gif of pasting, just because I like making gifs.

Your highlights are now in column A.

Step 2. Eliminate unnecessary rows.

In the first row of column B, type this formula:

=query(A1,"Select A where NOT A contains 'Yellow'")

☝️ If you have other highlights than yellow ones, you might want to edit that^.

Dragging the formula like a pro.

Step 3. Drag the contents to fill in all the rows.

Step 4. Filter out blanks and N/As.

Select column C. Go to Data > Create a filters.

Click on the little reverse pyramid and untick Blanks & N/As.

Filter out blanks and N/Aa

Tadaa! What joy! What glory!

👌 You can now copy-paste the whole column to wherever you like.

It will get pasted with a header like this:

`<! — td {border: 1px solid #ccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;} →`

But that’s not a big deal to remove.

If you don’t mind having the Location in your list, you can use Bookcision, a free & neat add-on, not my product.

*As of 5 days ago, Readwise launched export to Notion (in Beta). If your goal as to paste the highlights into Notion, they’ve solved your problem, and even made it look super cool (unlike the bare boring list we’ve created here).




📈 Aspiring data scientist. Rationality fan. EA. Vegan. Working to improve global mental health at